Birds Flock to Water Spots: Attract birds to your yard using water

Sure, birds love visiting yards with feeders full of seed. But did you know you can draw a crowd of birds to your yard with just water? Water is a cheap alternative to seeds and a great way to get more birds stopping by your yard.

Why Water Works

Our avian pals use water to quench their thirst, freshen their feathers from dirt and bugs, and cool off during the hot summer. Unfortunately, clean water can be hard to come by—it’s not like they have a stash of extra water on hand. Instead, birds have to go out looking for streams, ponds, birdbaths, and puddles for their water. By adding a water source to your yard, birds can say goodbye to their days of winging it for water.

3 Easy Steps to get Started:

  1. Set up your birdbath: Place your birdbath near a shrub or tree so your avian pals have a quick escape route in case of predators. If you’re not ready to purchase a birdbath, you can make a DIY one out of a circular-shaped lid, saucer, or pan. Just make sure to only fill the dish with 1-2 inches of water so birds can still touch the bottom!
  2. Make a splash: Birds are like kids at a waterpark—they like to splish and splash. Moving water near your birdbath makes it easier for birds to spot, hear, and find your birdbath. Plus, the movement in the water is more like what birds would find out in nature. Most folks like to use a mister, small fountain, waterfall feature, or dripping hose to create a flow of water.
  3. Keepin it Clean: Birds leave behind bugs, feathers, and grime after taking a bath. And, in the summer, mosquitos are looking for still water to lay their eggs. If that doesn’t sound gross enough, some birdies accidentally mistake your birdbath for the loo.

As birds use the water to both drink and bathe, keeping it clean is super important. Make sure to dump out the dirty water and refill it will fresh water at least 2-3 times per week. Give it a deeper clean at least once a month. Our friends at the National Audubon Society recommend cleaning your dish with “nine parts water, one-part vinegar”.

Have a question about using water to attract birds to your yard? We’re happy to help! Ask away here.





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